September Contest with Graphic 45
To celebrate Graphic 45 as our Featured Manufacturer, Graphic 45 has decided to sponsor the September contest at
A Walk Down Memory Lane!!! Some more great news?? Because Graphic 45 is our Featured Manufacturer...everything in the shop from Graphic 45 is 25% off ALL MONTH!
To participate, all you have to do is: Create a layout using 60% Graphic 45 products!!
Submit your project using to Mr. Linky. Please link your project to the actual blog post, and not to your "general" blog website.
Please make sure to specify in your upload description what you used for Graphic 45 products.
The theme or concept for your layout is all up to you!
The Winner will receive a bunch of goodies from Graphic 45!!!!
* Deadline: September 30th at Midnight PST
* A maximum of ONE entry may be submitted.
* Projects must be uploaded to your blog then post it in the comment section of this thread.
* The winner's project will be posted on the main website along with their name
*Your entry must be made specifically for this contest, and may not not be one that has already been shared on any other website or blog.