Wednesday, January 11, 2012

WOOHOO!! Super exciting news :):)

I had the BEST phone call this past Monday!!! It was the call I had been waiting was Nikki Sivils on the other end!!! WOOHOO....I had made her design team!! :):)She probably thought I was crazy because I was so excited I think I was talking 100 mph!!! Check out this list of talented designers below!!! I will have all the girls links to their blogs up on the left of my blog here in a bit!!

1. Julie Tucker-Wolek (Blog Coordinator)
2. Sarah Eclavea (Social Media Coordinator)
3. Deana Boston (Retailer Program Coordinator)
4. Stacy Rodriguez
5. Jodi Wilton (who is re-joining us from my original team 3 years ago)
6. Jennie McGarvey
7. Laurel Seabrook
8. Melissa Pablo
9. Melanie Jarocki
10. Marielle LeBlanc

and Katrina Hunt is their Design Team Leader

Thank you so much Nikki, I so looking forward to designing with your FABULOUS products!! Make sure you stop by Nikki's blog HERE and check it out.....she also had another sneak peak on one of her new lines up today!!


  1. WOOOOHOOO~! Congrats, girlie!! But not were a GREAT guest designer for them awhile ago!!! xo

  2. Hooooooray! Congrats girl - so exciting!

  3. Congrats and welcome Stacy! So very happy to have you on the team!

  4. Big congrats...that is awesome news!

  5. CONGRATS Stacy!!! Welcome to the team! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  6. Yay, huge congrats, I'm so happy for you!!

  7. Big congrats to yoU! Looking fwd to working with you!

  8. Welcome to the team girlie!!! hugs, Katrina

  9. Congratulations Stacy! so excited to be working with you and the rest of the talented ladies :D

  10. So glad for you, Stacy! Sounds like you are a perfect fit for their team. :)

  11. Big congrats, Stacy!!!
    Very excited & happy for you!!!
    Maybe one year I will submit to the NS dt team call!
    I usually visit the blog a few times a week so I'm looking forward to seeing all your creations!!!
